Tuesday 27 January 2015

Hidden secrets of IndoRummy!

Banish these blunders
The best methodology to do start doing well is always from stopping to do what is not good. This strategy will help you to excel from the beginning stage. It’s a proven result; hence witness a change when you correct the following mistakes.

Login to your gaming account daily
There are still a bunch of players who are unaware of this daily login promotion. This is a simple way to earn cash bonus. Indian Rummy provides Rs. 10 cash bonus for logging in daily. And there is no limit on the number of times to avail this offer. The only condition is that players will get cash bonus once per day.

Having a strong social media presence
Yes, your participation in timely social media contest is screened. The player with best comment over the Facebook shares will be rewarded with cash bonus. Hence, from now onwards people must start to increase their participation. 

Never ignore your account
Some people have interest over the game. They register, but after few days they forget what they have created. This leads to false impression among other regular rummy player. Also, if your account is inactive for a prolonged period then your account will be permanently deleted from the IndoRummy database. Hence, make sure that you participate regularly and earn more cash.

Keep up with the latest news

Indian Rummy dispatches regular newsletter for players and the website is also updated regularly. Hence, bee keen to look out for hints and make your presence fruitful. Staying agile will help you to earn more and reap the maximum benefits. For example if there is a new promotion at IndoRummy and you are following the usual daily promotion. As the promotion demands the promo code to be used, you may lose the cash bonus that you owe. Hence, stay updated.

Be passive about your worth
We believe in your potential and you really deserve more than what you make now. But if you keep on boasting about your skills and knack over the game to other players. This may result in chat abuse. Hence, to avoid misconceptions, it is advisable to be passive about one’s worth. It recommended that you prove your expertise over the game and not by boasting.

Learn continuously
Placing a full stop next to your skills isn’t a good sign either. There is always a learning curve that helps you to make the most of your rummy time. You learn continuously with every single time that you spend on your game table. This helps you to prepare for new awaiting challenge psychologically. You must constantly accumulate knowledge rather than play catch – up. Make use of the afore mentioned strategy and excel in the domain of Indian Rummy, the best 13 cardsgame.

For more details: reach us at http://www.indorummy.com